Quickstart to perfect

Platform integration

Integration possible with WooCommerce, Magento, Opencart and others.

API Integration

Integrate Leanpay in your system through APIs

Communicating Leanpay in
your online store

Communicate Leanpay in
your brick & mortar store

How will my clients know that they can buy now and pay later?

girl holding phone


1. Who can I contact if I find myself in a deadend during intergration?

You can either contact your Leanpay representative or send us an email with detailed problem on partner[at]leanpay.com

2. What is the first thing I should do before starting the implementation?

Use our testing environment so you can safely test out scenarios and get to know the processes behind this new implementation

3. Where can I find my API Key?

You can find your API Key in your vendor app under the page Company. Testing API Key works only for testing environment, production API works only for production environment